A Letter to My Friend – A Domestic Abuse Survivor

This post was first published on Christians for Biblical Equality’s Arise blog, in the wake of the discussions which arose about domestic and family violence (DFV) in Christian homes since journalists Julia Baird and Hayley Gleeson published this controversial report: “‘Submit to your husbands’: Women told to endure domestic violence in the name of God.”  Responses from… Continue reading A Letter to My Friend – A Domestic Abuse Survivor

Women’s Ordination in the Lutheran Church of Australia: A Prayerful Reflection

Yesterday, the Lutheran Church of Australia voted on the ordination of women once again, returning a vote of 240 in favour to 161 against. The vote failed to reach the required two-thirds majority. Many of our Lutheran brothers and sisters are mourning today as the impact of this decision sinks in, and as Paul encouraged… Continue reading Women’s Ordination in the Lutheran Church of Australia: A Prayerful Reflection

The Bible on Rape (1): Susanna’s Story

Katie Edwards and Emma Nagouse of the University of Sheffield recently published an article on The Conversation titled “How the Bible Shapes Contemporary Attitudes to Rape and Sexual Assault.”  In it, Edwards and Nagouse discuss the victim-blaming attitude about rape demonstrated by a retiring UK judge, and then go on to provide some examples of… Continue reading The Bible on Rape (1): Susanna’s Story

4 Reasons Why the Archbishop of Sydney is Wrong About Gender

It’s not often that the statements of church leaders are considered even remotely newsworthy in Australia, where the general attitude to religion varies mostly from indifference to contempt. Sydney Anglicans have made a habit of making the news in the past 12 months for issues relating to gender roles – a series of news stories… Continue reading 4 Reasons Why the Archbishop of Sydney is Wrong About Gender

Restoring Mary Magdalene

Ahhh…ignorance. Some people clearly find it blissful, or the Da Vinci Code would never have been a best-seller. You may have noticed in recent years, that if any matter related to Christianity is “interesting” enough to make it into the popular media, it is almost certainly based on a solid dose of ignorance wrapped up… Continue reading Restoring Mary Magdalene