Saved Through Childbearing (1 Timothy 2:15)

What is the meaning of 1 Timothy 2:15, “But women will be saved through childbearing– if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety (NIV)”? Let’s be honest…most of us either skim straight past this verse, with a shrug of the shoulders and some bemused muttering, or find it highly problematic – “What about… Continue reading Saved Through Childbearing (1 Timothy 2:15)

Q&A: Should Women Be Silent In Church? Part 1

Q. Bronwen, I read in 1 Timothy 2:11 that women are meant to be silent and submissive in church. This seems kind of hard to take! And while our church uses this as part of the reason why women can’t preach, they are allowed to do things like lead the congregation in prayer, read the… Continue reading Q&A: Should Women Be Silent In Church? Part 1

Q&A: Gender Roles in Marriage, Part 2

In the previous post of this Q&A on gender roles in marriage, we began looking at whether specific gender roles are God’s design for Christian marriages – roles in which, specifically, the husband is to take responsibility for leadership and the wife is to help and to submit. Firstly, we started in Genesis, and found… Continue reading Q&A: Gender Roles in Marriage, Part 2

“Men Need Respect, Women Need Love”?

“Women need love, but men need respect.” How often have you heard this, or similar statements? And so often, they are met with wisely knowing nods and exclamations (“oh, so true!”), and likes and shares on Facebook. These overly simplistic notions are popular when it comes to people trying to sort out the perceived differences… Continue reading “Men Need Respect, Women Need Love”?